

Workspace Management

Portfolio > Workspace Management

The PADS4 Workspace module brings together the essential tools to meet new needs and challenges in terms of space management and reservation. The digitization of the modern company changes our working habits and the traditional way of managing workspaces.


The arrival of connected objects, the notion of sustainable environment, the search for comfort for the employee for a better integration in the company bring up a new concept of space management.


In addition, the recent global pandemic situation has changed our relationship with the workspace and introduced great mobility with the notion of telework in particular.

It has also had the effect of significantly modifying the daily occupancy rate of the premises, leading owners, lessors and tenants to adapt, in particular by equipping themselves with intelligent solutions for managing and reserving workspaces.


The PADS4 Workspace solution offers different devices that adapt depending on the desired user experience.
Here is the list of applications and materials available with the PADS4 Workspace solution:


  • The PADS4 Workspace Web Application available on PC and Smartphone
  • PADS4 Reservation Plugin: Outlook or Google
  • Reservation tablets at the entrance to the rooms
  • Flex boxes
  • Presence sensors
  • Busy indicator lights
  • QR codes


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